Network of Care

Throughout the Bible, we are told we should love one another and put others before ourselves. Anything we do for others, we are doing for Jesus. In the same way as the nets cast by the disciples spread out and covered all the fish, we believe a Network of Care will cover the Church family and beyond. The whole church will care for each other and for anyone else that needs our help. There are times in our lives when we will need a hand and other times, give a hand.

Support could be offered for a short period of time, to help people through a specific time of need e.g. illness or bereavement or for a longer period. We do recognise we are not an emergency service; our strength may be to signpost to other professionals. Our aim is also for people to become totally independent.

A small strategic planning group is being created and everyone is invited to prayerfully consider where they fit into the Network. We are hoping to develop a network of people who will respond at a point of need.

It may be, for example, (when we are able) visiting those who are in hospital or are house bound for prayer and chat, meeting for a coffee, hospitality support e.g. baking or cooking, delivery of magazines or gifts of support, shopping, gardening, letter writing or telephoning. All of these will be underpinned with prayer. The list of possibilities is endless and very exciting. We’re sure more things will be added to the list as time goes by. Please pray that God continues to guide us and shows us how to be His hands and feet here in Stoke on Trent.

“God is our Refuge and strength. A very present help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1

Janet Bagnall

Need some support?

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